Job Description
Te Kura Māori o Porirua, a composite school (Year 1-13) with a roll of over 300 students, proudly embraces our guiding ethos of “He Kura Te Tangata." Located on picturesque grounds at 392 Warspite Avenue, Porirua, approximately 30 minutes north of Wellington CBD, the school was established in 2001.
In partnership with Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Te Kura Māori o Porirua focuses on building capable students who will become future leaders for their own iwi, hapū, and whānau. As a Māori-language immersion school, the principal language of instruction is te reo Māori. Our aim is to produce graduates who are confident and articulate speakers and writers in both te reo Māori and English, excelling as leaders in both Māori and non-Māori settings.
Due to our current co-principals relocating, we are seeking an experienced educational leader for the position of Tumuaki. This will be primarily a non-teaching role focused on enhancing the high quality of teaching, academic achievement, and standards of te reo Māori in the Kura.
The key attributes required for this role include:
- Significant experience in teaching and educational leadership.
- Confidence in te reo Māori and grounded in te ao Māori.
- The ability to set and articulate a clear vision, bringing fresh ideas and energy.
- Excellent communication skills with experience in building enduring relationships.
- Sound planning, organising and management skills.
- A kind, generous leader who is guided by “He kura te tangata” and who embodies the mātāpono of Kaitiakitanga, Rangatiratanga, Whai Wāhitanga and Whanaunagatanga.
For a copy of the candidate briefing document and application form, contact Jane Temel at Niche Recruitment. Mobile: 021 499902 or email:
To apply, click ‘apply for this job’ or submit your covering letter, CV and completed application form to by 5pm Friday 28 March 2025.
Ko Te Kura Māori o Porirua tētahi kura hiato (Tau 1-13), koni atu i te 300 tauira te nui o tōna rārangi ingoa, ā, ko tāna kōrero tāhuhu, ko “He Kura Te Tangata.” I runga i tōna taumata ātaahua rirerire ki 392 Warspite Avenue, i tōna 30 meneti ki te raki o te pokapū o Pōneke, whakatūria ai te kura i te tau 2001.
I runga anō i te mahi ngātahi ki a Ngāti Toa Rangatira, e aro nui ana a Te Kura Māori o Porirua ki te whakatipu i ngā tauira e mātau ana, kia tū rangatira mai ai ā te anamata, mō ō rātou iwi, hapū me ō ratou ake whānau. He kura rūmaki reo Māori tēnei, nō reira ko te reo mātāmua mō te whakaako, ko te reo Māori. Ko tā mātou whāinga ko te whakaputa i ngā raukura e tū marohi ana, e wainene ana hoki te kōrero, e mātau ana hoki te tuhituhi i te reo Māori me te reo Pākehā, mā tēnei e eke kairangi ai te tauira hei rangatira i ngā ao e rua.
Nā runga i te hūnukutanga o ō mātou tumuaki takirua ki wāhi kē, e kimi ana mātou i tētahi kaiārahi ako whai wheako nui mō te tūranga o te Tumuaki. Ehara te aronga nui o tēnei tūranga i te whakaako, engari kē ia ko te whakaū i te kounga o te whakaako, te angitu o te tauira, me te kounga o te reo Māori i roto i te kura.
Ko ngā āhuatanga matua e rapua ana mō te tūranga nei:
- He whānui, he huhua ngā wheako mō te whakaako me te ārahi ā-mātauranga.
- He kōrero Māori, kua pakiaka ōna waewae ki roto i te ao Māori.
- Te āheinga ki te waihanga mai me te whakaū i tētahi moemoeā me te kawe mai i te ngoi me ngā whakaaro hou.
- He kairangi ngā pūkenga whakawhitiwhiti, he whānui hoki ngā wheako ki te tuitui hononga.
- E mātau ana ngā pūkenga ki te whakamahere, whakarite me te whakahaere.
- He kaiārahi ngākau mākohakoha e piripono ana ki te kōrero “He kura te tangata”, ā, he tangata e kaha ana ki te whakatinana ake i ngā mātāpono o te Kaitiakitanga, te Rangatiratanga, te Whai Wāhitanga me te Whanaungatanga.
E whiwhi ai koe ki te puka whakaahua kaitono me tētahi puka tono, whakapā mai ki a Jane Temel o Niche Recruitment mā te waea ki 021 499902, mā te īmēra rānei ki
E tono ai koe, pāwhiria te pātene ‘apply for this job’, tukuna mai rānei tō reta whakauhi, tō tāhuhu tangata me tētahi puka tono kua oti i a koe ki i mua i te 5 karaka i te ahipō o Rāmere te 28 o Māehe 2025.